ISC-Erbil Organizes Flag Day Ceremony
On Wednesday, December 17, 2014, the SABIS Student Life Organization® (SLO®) at ISC-Erbil organized a Flag Day ceremony to celebrate the event with students and staff members.
Wearing the Kurdish traditional outfits and with great honor and pride, students gathered at the assigned area. A representative from the Kurdish Minister of Education’s office, His Excellency Dr. Pshitwan Sadiq joined as a guest of honor at the event. The school Director, Mr. Kleynhans, welcomed all the guests, and the ceremony commenced.
A representative of the SLO® delivered an inspiring speech expressing her great love to the nation and her appreciation for the Kurdish social heritage. She concluded her speech by saying “I feel very proud every time this flag is raised. It reminds me where I come from, but more importantly, it reminds me of where I am going”.
During the raising of the flag, students and staff members enthusiastically cheered. The ceremony concluded with the singing of the National Anthem. The event was a huge success and everyone enjoyed it.