ISC-Erbil Honors Mothers in a Special Celebration

The International School of Choueifat-Erbil's Kindergarten Department honored mothers in a special celebration held on March 26, 2009. For the occasion, over a hundred students converged under the ISC-Erbil's canopy with their eyes fixed on the main school gate as they waited anxiously for their mothers to arrive at school.

Once the guests of honor arrived, they were welcomed by the ISC-Erbil Director, Lower Primary AQC, Student Life Coordinator, KG Coordinator, and KG teachers and escorted to the colorfully-decorated cafeteria, which was soon abuzz with laughter and excitement. All the KG staff pitched in to serve food and snacks to the parents and children.

The showpiece of the day was a poetry recital by all the Kindergarteners for their mothers. The recital was the culmination of the hard work of KG teachers and the determination of the students to make the day truly unforgettable.

The event was well-appreciated by the parents. At the close of the event, each mother was presented with a special sprig of handmade flowers.

As in all SABIS® schools around the world, ISC-Erbil fosters an atmosphere conducive to learning and exploration where children can develop and thrive. This is achieved by a well-rounded program that includes a rich curriculum and a range of activities to promote children’s academic and non-academic development.