Dangerous Skull Breaker Challenge

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It has been brought to our attention that there is a very dangerous and undesirable activity among young people around the world at the moment, called the Skull Breaker or Jump Challenge

Essentially this involves three people, who begin to jump up and down and then two of them kick the legs away from the other, this causing her or him to fall onto either their back, neck or head. We are sure you can understand how extremely dangerous and reckless this is. To make matters worse, the children use their telephones to video this and then post it on social media.

To our knowledge, we are aware of two deaths in another country caused by this awful activity.

As school administration we are imploring you to talk to your children about this and insist that they never carry out such an activity anywhere and we will be doing the same. This message has been sent around classrooms today.

If any student(s) of our school are found to be doing this, there will be the most serious of consequences applied to their poor choice of conduct and behavior.



School Administration